For the first time since the begining of the COVID-19 pandemic, our colleagues went to the international offline conference, European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2022, which took place in Yerevan, Armenia this year. ECER conferences are held annually, attracting researchers from more than 70 countries, and are organized by the European Educational Research Association. We asked our colleagues to share their impressions of the conference and talk about the research they presented.
The research of the International Laboratory of Evaluation of Practices and Innovations in Education was included in the research base of the Laboratory of Action against Poverty Abdul Latif Jamil (Poverty Action Lab, J-PAL)
Work with the research in the field of evaluation of practice and innovation in education
International Laboratory's staff participated in the Winter School in the Netherlands.
Schools in Moscow are the best at teaching students. This point was recently supported by recently published results of the international TIMSS study. The scores of Moscow students turned out to be higher than not only general Russian scores but also the average scores from Europe. What is the secret of the "Moscow miracle" - opinions differ, and research has not yet been carried out. A group of young scientists from the International Laboratory for Evaluation of Practice and Innovation in Education has found a way to test all hypotheses. The case of New Moscow will help with this. The project received a grant "Evidence-Based Policy 2020" from the Center for Advanced Management Solutions.
Experts at IOE and Yandex have reported findings from a one-of-a-kind massive joint study that they carried out in association with Stanford and the University of California to evaluate whether and how engaging in practices of e-learning contributes to academic performance in primary school. Completing more assignments online can be specifically of aid in catching up those early-graders who fall behind on math literacy, the study suggests.
At a seminar held at HSE as part of the Days of the International Academy of Education in Moscow, Professor Gustavo E. Fishman (University of Arizona) likened international comparative studies of education quality to horse racing and discussed how these studies do not have as significant an impact on educational policy as is commonly believed.
On May 20, Days of the International Academy of Education kicked off at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. Experts from all over the world who focus on global education policy trends will meet up across a number of HSE venues to engage in vibrant, multi-format networking, including lectures, workshops, Q&A sessions, etc. They will share their experience with Russian researchers, instructors and policymakers over the course of three days.
Call for applications extended until May 24